Christine Felce has a BA in fine art and MA RCA in film making.

She has had a varied art career from teaching experimental animation at the university of Norman Oklahoma USA, she is a film maker/printmaker and now works creating public art installations and providing courses in several disciplines of printmaking. She currently lives in Gloucestershire.

"My work develops from issues I feel passionately about. Injustice has often informed my work. Newspaper cuttings, news items, friends & popular culture can also be starting points. My work tends to develop in series and public art installations."

"Much of my work is print based. Its the magic of the unexpected that I love about print. You can end up working with multiple layers that you can't quiet control."

Christine's work has been exhibited in the US, Cuba, Europe and Africa.

CV 2016 C felce.pdf

Read Christine's Zanzibar Blog